I think I see a storm coming ahead
These heavy winds are too much for this tent
They're taking me to a faraway land
A beautiful place that isn't built by hands
My body's groaning like a man lost at sea
This naked body is shivering, freezing
Mortality will be swallowed by life
And this Spirit is gonna be my eyes
I'm almost home, the place where I belong
I'm almost home, and I'm hearing the sweetest song
I'm almost there, singing right along
And I swear, I'll be singing loud and strong
Picking up my bow and taking my aim
Whether present or gone, I'm shooting the same
The archers lining up as they wait for the judge
I tried to my best, but it still wasn't much
I'm not gonna boast in things I've done
But you are free to tell them what we've won
It's not up to me, my body's compelled
What can I do when even the dead can't be held
For we walk by faith and not by sight
And I see just fine when I am blind
I am confident, ready to leave this place
To be held so tightly in the arms of grace
Friday, July 30, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Concerning the "Love Chapter"
Hey World.
I hope your Sunday's were all restful and encouraging. I just woke up from a nap so the restful is for sure there, and my dad had an excellent sermon on the parable in Luke 19:11-17, talking about how we need to be about the work of Christ, and not wasting the time we are given on earth. So encouragement and rest I have both received.
I reckon I gave away what this post is about in the title (unless of course you have not heard of the Love Chapter). However, hopefully these thoughts will give you a new look at the chapter. Not unscriptural of course, just new. Well, just as some background information, you should probably know that I use the New King James version (and no...not just because that's my name). That being said, on occasion I will also use the Old King James version. I grew up reading regular ol' KJV, and slowly transitioned into the new, so for fun or for deep study I will use the KJV. That may seem pointless to you, but don't worry, it all will soon make sense.
You see, if you read 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter) in KJV you will notice that "love" is not mentioned once in the entire chapter. Instead, the editors/writers/translaters (whatever they are called) of the KJV translated the word "charity." Now, few people probably know this since most people no longer read the KJV due to it's old language. But it's a very interesting thought. The "Love Chapter" has now become the "Charity Chapter." Now hopefully I won't make this TOO long, but I'd like to take a little time to say why I like the word "charity" in place of "love" in this chapter.
When you hear the word "love," what do you think? Now I know this isn't speaking for everyone, but most people tend to think of romantic kind of love. And there's nothing wrong with that. Love is a very romantic word. Some might think of the kind of love you have for your family. Or maybe the very spiritual ones will think of the love Jesus had for us. None of those are wrong answers. I think a big problem with the English language is that we really only have ONE word for "love." Well, that is until "charity" comes into the picture (but that's getting ahead of myself). The first problem with how we read 1 Corinthians 13 (at least people like me) is that we read it with a "wedding mindset." After all, this chapter is read many times at weddings. And for good reason. It's about love. But I begin to wonder how many couples listen carefully to the words being read.
Did their love fail?
This is where I believe the word "charity" comes in. You see, I believe many people get married who are madly in love, but are NOT madly "in charity." You see, your English teacher was wrong. The English language has TWO words for love, and one of them is charity. But just like France has 1,508 different words for love all covering different kinds of love, so charity and love are not necessarily the same thing.
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word "charity?" Generally giving, right? Helping the poor. Giving money. So, for love we picture romance, and charity we see giving money. Paul writes 1 Corinthians 13 to give us a brand new understanding of both words. Yes, love is romantic. Yes, charity is giving. But they are both so much more as well!
The biggest problem with reading 1 Corinthians 13 is that we often read it out of context. In chapter 12 Paul was talking about spiritual gifts (prophesy, speaking in tongues, faith, etc). He culminates this topic by saying that it doesn't matter if you have ANY gift if you do not have charity. But like I said, charity is not what we often think of. Why do I like the word charity? Because love is often thought of as a feeling. That is why sometimes "love" fails. Because its nothing more than a fleeting feeling. But charity is "giving." Giving and expecting nothing in return. Yes, charity is still love, but it's a different kind. It's not romantic. You can show charity to someone you absolutely HATE. But you show it because it's what Christians do. "Charity suffers long." Paul isn't talking about marriages suffering. He's talking about that guy or girl that you absolutely cannot stand. The one that makes you SUFFER. But charity keeps on giving even when that happens. Charity hopes. Yes, things are looking down in this relationship, but you have hope. Charity is not easily provoked. Charity has thick skin. The list goes on and on. But most importantly, charity never fails. How can it? What could possibly go wrong, if you are constantly showing charity to others no matter what they do to you?
Well, this was both longer and more jumbled than I was hoping for, but hopefully something stood out to you. The point was not to make you read the KJV or say charity instead or to stop having this in weddings. :) The important thing is that others will know us by our love for each other. So let's love each other with charity. :)
I hope your Sunday's were all restful and encouraging. I just woke up from a nap so the restful is for sure there, and my dad had an excellent sermon on the parable in Luke 19:11-17, talking about how we need to be about the work of Christ, and not wasting the time we are given on earth. So encouragement and rest I have both received.
I reckon I gave away what this post is about in the title (unless of course you have not heard of the Love Chapter). However, hopefully these thoughts will give you a new look at the chapter. Not unscriptural of course, just new. Well, just as some background information, you should probably know that I use the New King James version (and no...not just because that's my name). That being said, on occasion I will also use the Old King James version. I grew up reading regular ol' KJV, and slowly transitioned into the new, so for fun or for deep study I will use the KJV. That may seem pointless to you, but don't worry, it all will soon make sense.
You see, if you read 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter) in KJV you will notice that "love" is not mentioned once in the entire chapter. Instead, the editors/writers/translaters (whatever they are called) of the KJV translated the word "charity." Now, few people probably know this since most people no longer read the KJV due to it's old language. But it's a very interesting thought. The "Love Chapter" has now become the "Charity Chapter." Now hopefully I won't make this TOO long, but I'd like to take a little time to say why I like the word "charity" in place of "love" in this chapter.
When you hear the word "love," what do you think? Now I know this isn't speaking for everyone, but most people tend to think of romantic kind of love. And there's nothing wrong with that. Love is a very romantic word. Some might think of the kind of love you have for your family. Or maybe the very spiritual ones will think of the love Jesus had for us. None of those are wrong answers. I think a big problem with the English language is that we really only have ONE word for "love." Well, that is until "charity" comes into the picture (but that's getting ahead of myself). The first problem with how we read 1 Corinthians 13 (at least people like me) is that we read it with a "wedding mindset." After all, this chapter is read many times at weddings. And for good reason. It's about love. But I begin to wonder how many couples listen carefully to the words being read.
- "Love suffers long." That's the first thing Paul says about love. You know what that means. Love brings SUFFERING. You will suffer. But IF you have love, you will endure that time of suffering. No matter what comes up against you, you will choose love.
- "Love does not value itself." Think of that for a moment. You don't even consider yourself when you are loving someone else. It's all about them.
- "Love is not easily provoked." When you love, you put on the skin of a rhinoceros. Nothing gets to you. Nothing makes you "explode" when you are wronged.
- "Love hopes all things." Love looks on the bright side. Love knows it's going to be okay.
- "Love never fails."Paul saved the best for last. Love NEVER fails. Well what about divorce? People who were once in love are now divorced. Why?
Did their love fail?
This is where I believe the word "charity" comes in. You see, I believe many people get married who are madly in love, but are NOT madly "in charity." You see, your English teacher was wrong. The English language has TWO words for love, and one of them is charity. But just like France has 1,508 different words for love all covering different kinds of love, so charity and love are not necessarily the same thing.
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word "charity?" Generally giving, right? Helping the poor. Giving money. So, for love we picture romance, and charity we see giving money. Paul writes 1 Corinthians 13 to give us a brand new understanding of both words. Yes, love is romantic. Yes, charity is giving. But they are both so much more as well!
The biggest problem with reading 1 Corinthians 13 is that we often read it out of context. In chapter 12 Paul was talking about spiritual gifts (prophesy, speaking in tongues, faith, etc). He culminates this topic by saying that it doesn't matter if you have ANY gift if you do not have charity. But like I said, charity is not what we often think of. Why do I like the word charity? Because love is often thought of as a feeling. That is why sometimes "love" fails. Because its nothing more than a fleeting feeling. But charity is "giving." Giving and expecting nothing in return. Yes, charity is still love, but it's a different kind. It's not romantic. You can show charity to someone you absolutely HATE. But you show it because it's what Christians do. "Charity suffers long." Paul isn't talking about marriages suffering. He's talking about that guy or girl that you absolutely cannot stand. The one that makes you SUFFER. But charity keeps on giving even when that happens. Charity hopes. Yes, things are looking down in this relationship, but you have hope. Charity is not easily provoked. Charity has thick skin. The list goes on and on. But most importantly, charity never fails. How can it? What could possibly go wrong, if you are constantly showing charity to others no matter what they do to you?
Well, this was both longer and more jumbled than I was hoping for, but hopefully something stood out to you. The point was not to make you read the KJV or say charity instead or to stop having this in weddings. :) The important thing is that others will know us by our love for each other. So let's love each other with charity. :)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
What it Means to "Be Different"
Hey World.
So tonight (and not just tonight) I was thinking about how Christians are supposed to "be different." I'm sure you've heard that term at sunday school or church or youth group. Be Different. After all, that's what being a Christian is all about right? Matthew 5:14...being a shining light/city on a hill. All that. But when you really stop to think about it, what does "being different" entail? Because the truth is...we are human. We tend to do the same things as other humans. We eat, sleep, read books, play sports, talk about girls/boys, sleep (i like this one so much i put it twice), eat (that one too), go to school, build friendships, go swimming, get sunburnt, listen to music. You know...every day stuff. So what do they mean by being different? Are we supposed to fast our whole lives? Stop talking about who we like? Wear four layers of sun screen? I surely hope that's not what it all entails. After all, I love eating, four layers of sun screen is nerdy, and what else is there to talk about if not girls?
So my family (well...my mom and dad and I at least) were watching the movie "Invictus" tonight. It's a phonomenal movie about the 1995 World Cup champion team from South Africa. But more than that, it's about the country itself and it's leader Nelson Mandela. Mandela spent 27 years in prison for fighting for the rights the blacks. He later went on to become the president. This story is remarkable in itself. But after he was released from prison and placed in the highest position of authority, Mandela chose a rather strange path. He chose a path of forgiveness, never retaliating for what people did to him. Think of that. I'll be 20 in a couple weeks. That's me living my entire life so far PLUS another 7 years in a tiny prison cell. I cannot imagine. And after all of that having the power to do whatever I wanted to the people who did that to me. But choosing to forgive. Choosing not only that, but to keep some of those same people on my staff and as my bodyguards.
Now I don't know whether Mandela was or has since become a Christian. But this I do know, that his actions are the definition of "being different." The sad truth is that in the past year I have met so many Christians who are not different. Who talk behind backs, complain about everything, refuse to forgive, and then somehow go to bed at night with a clean conscience. "Being different" doesn't mean that you look different. In fact, at first glance one might not be able to tell. Maybe not even second glance. But those that know you will know. Not by the things you say necessarily, but perhaps by the things you don't say. When you are having a bad day and your boss/parents/brother/random person just really get on your case for no reason at all, and you choose to forgive long before they ask for it. You walk back to your dorm/house and your friend is ready to be a shoulder for you to cry on as you "vent" about all your problems, but they are surprised to find you note how beautiful the stars are tonight instead.
So what exactly does it mean to "be different." Well I would sum it up in one verse. 1 Thessalonians 5:18. "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." You want to be different. Be a city of joy on top of a hill surrounded by a valley of complainers.
So tonight (and not just tonight) I was thinking about how Christians are supposed to "be different." I'm sure you've heard that term at sunday school or church or youth group. Be Different. After all, that's what being a Christian is all about right? Matthew 5:14...being a shining light/city on a hill. All that. But when you really stop to think about it, what does "being different" entail? Because the truth is...we are human. We tend to do the same things as other humans. We eat, sleep, read books, play sports, talk about girls/boys, sleep (i like this one so much i put it twice), eat (that one too), go to school, build friendships, go swimming, get sunburnt, listen to music. You know...every day stuff. So what do they mean by being different? Are we supposed to fast our whole lives? Stop talking about who we like? Wear four layers of sun screen? I surely hope that's not what it all entails. After all, I love eating, four layers of sun screen is nerdy, and what else is there to talk about if not girls?
So my family (well...my mom and dad and I at least) were watching the movie "Invictus" tonight. It's a phonomenal movie about the 1995 World Cup champion team from South Africa. But more than that, it's about the country itself and it's leader Nelson Mandela. Mandela spent 27 years in prison for fighting for the rights the blacks. He later went on to become the president. This story is remarkable in itself. But after he was released from prison and placed in the highest position of authority, Mandela chose a rather strange path. He chose a path of forgiveness, never retaliating for what people did to him. Think of that. I'll be 20 in a couple weeks. That's me living my entire life so far PLUS another 7 years in a tiny prison cell. I cannot imagine. And after all of that having the power to do whatever I wanted to the people who did that to me. But choosing to forgive. Choosing not only that, but to keep some of those same people on my staff and as my bodyguards.
Now I don't know whether Mandela was or has since become a Christian. But this I do know, that his actions are the definition of "being different." The sad truth is that in the past year I have met so many Christians who are not different. Who talk behind backs, complain about everything, refuse to forgive, and then somehow go to bed at night with a clean conscience. "Being different" doesn't mean that you look different. In fact, at first glance one might not be able to tell. Maybe not even second glance. But those that know you will know. Not by the things you say necessarily, but perhaps by the things you don't say. When you are having a bad day and your boss/parents/brother/random person just really get on your case for no reason at all, and you choose to forgive long before they ask for it. You walk back to your dorm/house and your friend is ready to be a shoulder for you to cry on as you "vent" about all your problems, but they are surprised to find you note how beautiful the stars are tonight instead.
So what exactly does it mean to "be different." Well I would sum it up in one verse. 1 Thessalonians 5:18. "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." You want to be different. Be a city of joy on top of a hill surrounded by a valley of complainers.
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Only Thing
The only thing I have ever been afraid of is fear.
For surely if you were unafraid of fear
There would be very little to fear.
The only thing I have ever loved is Love.
After all, if you fall head over heels for Love
What on earth would there be left to love?
The only thing I ever complain about is people that complain.
You see, if the people were stopped who complain,
Then we could stop listening to this nonsense about which they complain.
There is only one thing on earth that will make me cry.
That thing is the sight of watching my best friend cry.
For what is there to be sad about if nothing is making my friend cry?
My favorite gift which God has given mankind is music.
Because all other gifts derive from the gift of music.
For love and creativity and hope and forgiveness are all remembered in music.
Revival IS Coming
Hey World.
So, first of all. I realize that ultimately revival is up to God, just as everything else is in this world. But...bear with me as I tell you why I believe we the people are the reason revival is "escaping" America (and the world for that matter). And don't worry. This won't take long. The answer is very simple.
Nobody believes in revival anymore. Sure...revivals are happening....SOMEWHERE. Somewhere over the rainbow where little munchkins kill wicked witches from the west. Just not in the United States. I mean, who are we kidding? "We have an evil president, and a corrupt government, and a joke of a judicial system, and our generation is a bunch of little devils, and all our thoughts are evil." At least that's what everybody is telling me. I don't know (or care) enough about politics to know, and I am in the "evil" generation so i guess I wouldn't even know if i was evil. Do evil people know they are evil? Who knows?
All I know is what I hear. And all I hear is that this country is destined for destruction. Now, I only have one question and I think it's a very fair and simple one. What happened to the faith we used to have in our country? "Well times are looking really down right now." Of course they are! When haven't they been? When Britain had an army 100 times more experienced than our own? When brothers were fighting brothers in the civil war? During the Great Depression? When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor? When the Trade Towers were hit? When? When has everything been honkey dorey in the US? That's never been the point. The point is that we endure. We fight back. We fight for our freedom. For our families. For the things we stand for.
What happened? Why all of the sudden now do we have no hope left. When did we become a people who resorts to preaching that NOW is the end times because this world is so evil, instead of preaching revival? I think this has happened for 2 reasons.
1. Nobody wants to take the time out of their day to start a revival. Maybe we write a little blog about it, but we are too afraid to actually do anything in the REAL world. Too afraid to witness. Too afraid to stick up for our beliefs. After all, nobody wants to be the weird guy on the street corner in New York preaching the grace of Jesus Christ. What will people think of us? Might lose your job. A friend. Nobody wants to be that person.
But the second reason is even bigger. So much bigger.
2. Nobody believes revival is possible anymore. We might pray for it. Maybe...MAYBE even in church. But if a mustard seed kind of faith could move a mountain, prayers for revival are about as big as half an atom split in two divided by four. Maybe. If you KNEW that God would answer your prayers, would revival be your first prayer? Or would it be a little extra cash? A good job. A wife. Husband. Friends. Glory. Oh that we would believe again that God is who He says He is. A God of mercy and grace. A God willing to bless a people who cry out to Him, no matter what their past may be.
Well let me tell you something. Revival IS coming to my country. Let me say it again. Revival is coming to the United States of America. Say it out loud. Believe it. Beg God for it. Beg on your knees til your jeans rip to shreds. Revival is coming. I know it. But before it comes, a whole lot of people are gonna start praying. Before it comes a whole lot of people are gonna start making fools of themselves on street corners. Before it comes Aeropostale is gonna make bank off of you because you have to keep buying jeans. Before it comes there is gonna be a whole lot of witnessing. Just think. Just think if every believer fell to the ground and wept for their country. Revival would come. That day is coming.
So, first of all. I realize that ultimately revival is up to God, just as everything else is in this world. But...bear with me as I tell you why I believe we the people are the reason revival is "escaping" America (and the world for that matter). And don't worry. This won't take long. The answer is very simple.
Nobody believes in revival anymore. Sure...revivals are happening....SOMEWHERE. Somewhere over the rainbow where little munchkins kill wicked witches from the west. Just not in the United States. I mean, who are we kidding? "We have an evil president, and a corrupt government, and a joke of a judicial system, and our generation is a bunch of little devils, and all our thoughts are evil." At least that's what everybody is telling me. I don't know (or care) enough about politics to know, and I am in the "evil" generation so i guess I wouldn't even know if i was evil. Do evil people know they are evil? Who knows?
All I know is what I hear. And all I hear is that this country is destined for destruction. Now, I only have one question and I think it's a very fair and simple one. What happened to the faith we used to have in our country? "Well times are looking really down right now." Of course they are! When haven't they been? When Britain had an army 100 times more experienced than our own? When brothers were fighting brothers in the civil war? During the Great Depression? When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor? When the Trade Towers were hit? When? When has everything been honkey dorey in the US? That's never been the point. The point is that we endure. We fight back. We fight for our freedom. For our families. For the things we stand for.
What happened? Why all of the sudden now do we have no hope left. When did we become a people who resorts to preaching that NOW is the end times because this world is so evil, instead of preaching revival? I think this has happened for 2 reasons.
1. Nobody wants to take the time out of their day to start a revival. Maybe we write a little blog about it, but we are too afraid to actually do anything in the REAL world. Too afraid to witness. Too afraid to stick up for our beliefs. After all, nobody wants to be the weird guy on the street corner in New York preaching the grace of Jesus Christ. What will people think of us? Might lose your job. A friend. Nobody wants to be that person.
But the second reason is even bigger. So much bigger.
2. Nobody believes revival is possible anymore. We might pray for it. Maybe...MAYBE even in church. But if a mustard seed kind of faith could move a mountain, prayers for revival are about as big as half an atom split in two divided by four. Maybe. If you KNEW that God would answer your prayers, would revival be your first prayer? Or would it be a little extra cash? A good job. A wife. Husband. Friends. Glory. Oh that we would believe again that God is who He says He is. A God of mercy and grace. A God willing to bless a people who cry out to Him, no matter what their past may be.
Well let me tell you something. Revival IS coming to my country. Let me say it again. Revival is coming to the United States of America. Say it out loud. Believe it. Beg God for it. Beg on your knees til your jeans rip to shreds. Revival is coming. I know it. But before it comes, a whole lot of people are gonna start praying. Before it comes a whole lot of people are gonna start making fools of themselves on street corners. Before it comes Aeropostale is gonna make bank off of you because you have to keep buying jeans. Before it comes there is gonna be a whole lot of witnessing. Just think. Just think if every believer fell to the ground and wept for their country. Revival would come. That day is coming.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Glorify God In Your Body
Hey world,
Yes. I do realize that three posts in one night is a little over-board. Forgive me. I promise this is my last thought. I'm still in 1 Corinthians 6. Verses 12-20. Verse 12 starts out by saying, "All things are lawful for me." So many people take this verse to mean that Christians are no longer under any laws. But they forgot to finish the verse. The whole verse reads, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful." Now, I admit I don't understand this completely. I know it doesn't mean we can do whatever we want, but it does obviously give us freedom. But Paul also assures that not everything that is "allowed" is good for us. I try to live my life in a way that if I cross the boundaries I have set, I am still quite far from the cliff. Example: Dancing. I have no problem with clean dancing. But I don't do it because I don't want to go too far ever. Therefore, I don't care if you do. I just don't. Not dancing doesn't pull me away from Jesus and it's keeping me safe. Maybe you have something different that I do that you don't. That's just the way it works sometimes. But there are two things Paul stresses that I want to relay onto you.
1. In verse 15 Paul tells us that our bodies are members of Christ and in verse 19 that they are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Think about that for a second. In your body lies the HOLY SPIRIT. GOD HIMSELF! When we use our bodies for thing not of Christ (sexual immorality), our bodies become harlots. Or...members of Satan! There is nothing you can do that is something in between. What you do with your body is either to the glory of God or to the glory of Satan. Let me repeat. EVERYTHING you do with your body is either to the glory of God or to the glory of Satan.
2. Verse 20 says, "For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." Your body is not yours. It's God's. He bought it at the price of His own body. So I'm not condemning any certain thing (though rest assured I have my opinions)! :) But I won't push those on you. Ask me in an email sometime if you are THAT curious. I just want to encourage you to think about the things you do with your body. Are they glorifying to God? Don't just say yes. Think about it long and hard. We will answer one day for our actions, as well for the people who our actions affect. Is your body glorifying God? If it makes it any easier for you...mine often is not. It's something I'm working on so hard. Maybe there is something you aren't sure about. A certain kind of dancing "other Christians do" that is PROBABLY okay. You are either glorifying God or Satan. I think it's worth taking 10 minutes to figure it out.
Yes. I do realize that three posts in one night is a little over-board. Forgive me. I promise this is my last thought. I'm still in 1 Corinthians 6. Verses 12-20. Verse 12 starts out by saying, "All things are lawful for me." So many people take this verse to mean that Christians are no longer under any laws. But they forgot to finish the verse. The whole verse reads, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful." Now, I admit I don't understand this completely. I know it doesn't mean we can do whatever we want, but it does obviously give us freedom. But Paul also assures that not everything that is "allowed" is good for us. I try to live my life in a way that if I cross the boundaries I have set, I am still quite far from the cliff. Example: Dancing. I have no problem with clean dancing. But I don't do it because I don't want to go too far ever. Therefore, I don't care if you do. I just don't. Not dancing doesn't pull me away from Jesus and it's keeping me safe. Maybe you have something different that I do that you don't. That's just the way it works sometimes. But there are two things Paul stresses that I want to relay onto you.
1. In verse 15 Paul tells us that our bodies are members of Christ and in verse 19 that they are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Think about that for a second. In your body lies the HOLY SPIRIT. GOD HIMSELF! When we use our bodies for thing not of Christ (sexual immorality), our bodies become harlots. Or...members of Satan! There is nothing you can do that is something in between. What you do with your body is either to the glory of God or to the glory of Satan. Let me repeat. EVERYTHING you do with your body is either to the glory of God or to the glory of Satan.
2. Verse 20 says, "For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." Your body is not yours. It's God's. He bought it at the price of His own body. So I'm not condemning any certain thing (though rest assured I have my opinions)! :) But I won't push those on you. Ask me in an email sometime if you are THAT curious. I just want to encourage you to think about the things you do with your body. Are they glorifying to God? Don't just say yes. Think about it long and hard. We will answer one day for our actions, as well for the people who our actions affect. Is your body glorifying God? If it makes it any easier for you...mine often is not. It's something I'm working on so hard. Maybe there is something you aren't sure about. A certain kind of dancing "other Christians do" that is PROBABLY okay. You are either glorifying God or Satan. I think it's worth taking 10 minutes to figure it out.
Why Do We Care So Much About Ourselves?
Hey world.
This post is really short. It's just another idea I got from tonight's devotions. This one is in chapter 6 of 1 Corinthians. Paul is talking about how Christians were taking fellow brothers in Christ to court. Just think about that for a second.
We are trying to show the light of Christ to a very very dark world. Why in the world are we wasting time bring other "lights" to court!!! It's so ridiculous. Never taken any Christian to court? Well I'd bet my lucky silver half-dollar that you've talked behind their backs, belittled them, made jokes about them, etc. I sure know I have, and I see others do it all...the...time.
What a poor example we are. In verse 7 Paul asks the questions burning on his heart. "Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated?" If you are a Christian you obviously understand this world is not about you or your happiness.
If you've read my posts about suffering you know that I don't believe this world is about our happiness at all. Our purposes are sometimes 100% full of suffering. God made some people for the purpose of dying at the stake, being lynched, cut to pieces, etc.
So what on earth could be so upsetting that you have to take your fellow brother in Christ to court, talk behind their back, etc.? Give it up! Here's a brilliant idea that no one understand anymore. LET THEM WIN! Let them cheat you! Let them wrong you! You want to know why? Because that's exactly what Jesus would have done, and I'm pretty sure that's reason enough.
This post is really short. It's just another idea I got from tonight's devotions. This one is in chapter 6 of 1 Corinthians. Paul is talking about how Christians were taking fellow brothers in Christ to court. Just think about that for a second.
We are trying to show the light of Christ to a very very dark world. Why in the world are we wasting time bring other "lights" to court!!! It's so ridiculous. Never taken any Christian to court? Well I'd bet my lucky silver half-dollar that you've talked behind their backs, belittled them, made jokes about them, etc. I sure know I have, and I see others do it all...the...time.
What a poor example we are. In verse 7 Paul asks the questions burning on his heart. "Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated?" If you are a Christian you obviously understand this world is not about you or your happiness.
If you've read my posts about suffering you know that I don't believe this world is about our happiness at all. Our purposes are sometimes 100% full of suffering. God made some people for the purpose of dying at the stake, being lynched, cut to pieces, etc.
So what on earth could be so upsetting that you have to take your fellow brother in Christ to court, talk behind their back, etc.? Give it up! Here's a brilliant idea that no one understand anymore. LET THEM WIN! Let them cheat you! Let them wrong you! You want to know why? Because that's exactly what Jesus would have done, and I'm pretty sure that's reason enough.
Call It Judging If You Want
Hey world.
Judging. In my opinion this is the greatest of all sins. For it is looking down on a creation of God as inferior to you. It is the worst kind of pride. I hate judging so much. Read the book of John and try to judge someone after reading that (especially ch. 8). But there is a problem. Judging has become an excuse for so many Christians. You see, as brothers and sisters in Christ we are also called to look out for each other. We must help other believers stay on the straight and narrow. But Christians have made it "unbiblical" to do so anymore. If you try to show a believer their faults they pull out Scripture on you saying, "Hey idiot! Pull that plank out of YOUR eye first!" or "Judge not lest you be judged!"
But sadly...this person does not know that they are
1. Quoting Scripture out of context
2. hurting themselves.
Judging and pointing out "planks" are only wrong because PRIDE is always at the center of them. However, sometimes people just care about you and don't want you to hurt yourself. OR...sometimes you are doing Christianity more harm than good and you need to be stopped (speaking for myself too).
I was reading in my devotions last night in 1 Corinthians 5 (please turn there). Paul is writing to the church in Corinth because, quite frankly, they are screwed up. The people are LITERALLY more immoral than people OUTSIDE the church. Paul is frustrated because the people completely misunderstood what he meant when he last wrote them. Paul had told the people of Corinth to stay away from sexually immoral people. So, the people in the church never associated with sexually immoral people outside the church when many of they themselves were even more sexually immoral. Paul writes this chapter to tell them they are 100% wrong. He never meant for them to stay away from sexually immoral unbelievers, but to stay away from sexually immoral CHRISTIANS!!! This is completely the opposite from what we think today. After all, isn't that judging? Everyone has their mistakes after all. But think about. This is pretty much the one sin that people can SEE! Christians (even leaders of the church) were having obvious sexual relations that were completely unbiblical, and nobody cared. In verse 11 Paul says that we shouldn't even eat with a sexually immoral Christian. NO ASSOCIATION. Why? Isn't that harsh? Isn't that prideful? No. No it is not. Yes. We all have our mistakes. I have plenty of them. But Christians are supposed to be different from the world. That is the WHOLE POINT! If unbelievers look at us and see our LEADERS doing the exact same things as them, why in the world would they believe ANYTHING we said?
Is it easy to disassociate from other believers? No. Is it out of pride? No. Do we still try to help them? Yes. Because they are our brothers and sisters and we love and need them. But if someone is on fire you don't let them hang around with people that are not. You take them out, push them to the ground, and get rid of the fire. And you do it in love. So call it judging is you want, but when someone approaches you with your faults. Listen. Listen carefully. They have a better view than you. Read your bible. Figure out if they are right. But you know what...even if you find nothing wrong about what you are doing. Maybe it's still time to stop. Better to not have a good thing, than to lose your relationship with a brother or sister. Remember...it's not about you. It's not about me. It's not about this world. It's not even about Christians. It's about love. It's about Jesus.
Lastly, don't be afraid to tell others about areas of their lives that need attention. As long as it's in love. It will help them. It will help all Christians. And it most assuredly will help the unbelievers. And if they get mad at you. It's not your fault. They just have some growing up to do. And don't we all.
Judging. In my opinion this is the greatest of all sins. For it is looking down on a creation of God as inferior to you. It is the worst kind of pride. I hate judging so much. Read the book of John and try to judge someone after reading that (especially ch. 8). But there is a problem. Judging has become an excuse for so many Christians. You see, as brothers and sisters in Christ we are also called to look out for each other. We must help other believers stay on the straight and narrow. But Christians have made it "unbiblical" to do so anymore. If you try to show a believer their faults they pull out Scripture on you saying, "Hey idiot! Pull that plank out of YOUR eye first!" or "Judge not lest you be judged!"
But sadly...this person does not know that they are
1. Quoting Scripture out of context
2. hurting themselves.
Judging and pointing out "planks" are only wrong because PRIDE is always at the center of them. However, sometimes people just care about you and don't want you to hurt yourself. OR...sometimes you are doing Christianity more harm than good and you need to be stopped (speaking for myself too).
I was reading in my devotions last night in 1 Corinthians 5 (please turn there). Paul is writing to the church in Corinth because, quite frankly, they are screwed up. The people are LITERALLY more immoral than people OUTSIDE the church. Paul is frustrated because the people completely misunderstood what he meant when he last wrote them. Paul had told the people of Corinth to stay away from sexually immoral people. So, the people in the church never associated with sexually immoral people outside the church when many of they themselves were even more sexually immoral. Paul writes this chapter to tell them they are 100% wrong. He never meant for them to stay away from sexually immoral unbelievers, but to stay away from sexually immoral CHRISTIANS!!! This is completely the opposite from what we think today. After all, isn't that judging? Everyone has their mistakes after all. But think about. This is pretty much the one sin that people can SEE! Christians (even leaders of the church) were having obvious sexual relations that were completely unbiblical, and nobody cared. In verse 11 Paul says that we shouldn't even eat with a sexually immoral Christian. NO ASSOCIATION. Why? Isn't that harsh? Isn't that prideful? No. No it is not. Yes. We all have our mistakes. I have plenty of them. But Christians are supposed to be different from the world. That is the WHOLE POINT! If unbelievers look at us and see our LEADERS doing the exact same things as them, why in the world would they believe ANYTHING we said?
Is it easy to disassociate from other believers? No. Is it out of pride? No. Do we still try to help them? Yes. Because they are our brothers and sisters and we love and need them. But if someone is on fire you don't let them hang around with people that are not. You take them out, push them to the ground, and get rid of the fire. And you do it in love. So call it judging is you want, but when someone approaches you with your faults. Listen. Listen carefully. They have a better view than you. Read your bible. Figure out if they are right. But you know what...even if you find nothing wrong about what you are doing. Maybe it's still time to stop. Better to not have a good thing, than to lose your relationship with a brother or sister. Remember...it's not about you. It's not about me. It's not about this world. It's not even about Christians. It's about love. It's about Jesus.
Lastly, don't be afraid to tell others about areas of their lives that need attention. As long as it's in love. It will help them. It will help all Christians. And it most assuredly will help the unbelievers. And if they get mad at you. It's not your fault. They just have some growing up to do. And don't we all.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
If Today Was Your Last Day
Greetings World.
So, straight to it. Question of the ages. What would you do if today was your last day? I suppose you could be realistic and say "well we will never know, will we?" But who cares about realists anyway? So what would it be? Say your apologies to everyone you've wronged? Tell that guy or girl next door you are crazy for him or her? Go witness to the world? Jump out of an airplane? Get married? What? If this was your last 24 hours. 1440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. That's it. That's all you have left. What are you going to do?
I think about death every once in a while. No. Not because I'm suicidal. Just because it's gonna happen and i might as well get used to that. And I got to thinking. Okay James. There is no tomorrow. You just woke up. You got today left. That's it. What are you gonna do? My first thoughts were probably typical of most people.
Do something crazy! Something I would never be brave enough to otherwise. Jump off Niagara, try to run into the White House...something like that. :) Or, I could get spiritual and say I would witness to everyone I saw. After all, that's not a bad idea. But then I thought this. What do I enjoy most about life right now?
Answer? The little things. Sitting down talking to my sister Rachel about the girl I like. Playing tennis in the pouring rain with my best friend Sam. Playing catch with my brother Jonathan. Talking to my dad about the Bible. Road-tripping with my sister (in-law's sister) Tara to Nebraska to visit my brother Jeremiah and his wife Liz. Planning out my future with my mom. Sleeping in. Going for a walk. Having my devotions. Playing fetch with my mentally handicapped dog. Writing a story. Listening to music.
So thought. Why would I have my last day be any different? No. I wouldn't call up friends from the past asking forgiveness for things of the past. I wouldn't go on a witnessing spree. I wouldn't really do anything out of the ordinary. I'd do those little things that so often go unnoticed, over-looked and under-rated. I'd sleep in, go play catch, talk about girls, play fetch, have deep conversations, go for a walk, and plan my future that wasn't going to happen.
So what would I do if today was my last day? I would simply pretend I had 1 billion days left. What would you do?
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Who Do You Imitate?
Hey everyone,
so it's 12:21 AM and i have church in a couple of hours, so i'm gonna keep this short. But i was just reading my devotions and i found something interesting i thought i'd like to share.
Okay, so you know all those books about like "100 keys to success" and "how to spend your money" and just blah blah blah about handling your money, and how to become successful and what not? Well, that makes sense right? Nobody wants to be in debt. Everyone wants to be rich, or at least in good standing or what not. And at bare minimum you want to be respected...even if you are poor. I mean...as a Christian we need to be respected by the world, right? Otherwise they won't wanna be Christians?
Well, please turn your Bibles to 1 Corinthians 4:8-16. But just in case you don't have a Bible nearby here's what it says....
"8 You are already full! You are already rich! You have reigned as kings without us—and indeed I could wish you did reign, that we also might reign with you! 9 For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. 10 We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! Weare weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored! 11 To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. 12 And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; 13 being defamed, we entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now.14 I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn you. 15 For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. 16 Therefore I urge you, imitate me."
Wait a second!!! Paul has just gone on rambling about how the people of Corinth are rich (like kings), strong, and distinguished, and how he himself is dishonored, weak, poor, persecuted, defamed, and FILTHY! And Paul has the nerve to tell the people of Corinth to follow HIM?
Let me ask you a question? If you are witnessing to someone? Do you usually begin like this...?
"Hey, can I tell you about being a Christian? You will be poor, defamed, weak, and persecuted! So what do you say? Wanna pray and get started?"
I laugh when I think about the people who say Christianity is a crutch. If Christianity is a crutch, it's a crutch that keeps hitting you in the head until you are bleeding to death. No friends. Christianity was not meant to "help you" in this world. It's gonna hurt. You are going to lose friends. You are going to cry. You are going to hurt. Feel weak. Become disowned. Defamed. Is this for everyone? I used to think no, but I'm not so sure anymore. In the last verse Paul "urges" the people of Corinth to "imitate" him.
I'm not really saying anything here. Not saying being rich, popular, or powerful is wrong. Pretty much just thinking out loud here. But who are you imitating?
so it's 12:21 AM and i have church in a couple of hours, so i'm gonna keep this short. But i was just reading my devotions and i found something interesting i thought i'd like to share.
Okay, so you know all those books about like "100 keys to success" and "how to spend your money" and just blah blah blah about handling your money, and how to become successful and what not? Well, that makes sense right? Nobody wants to be in debt. Everyone wants to be rich, or at least in good standing or what not. And at bare minimum you want to be respected...even if you are poor. I mean...as a Christian we need to be respected by the world, right? Otherwise they won't wanna be Christians?
Well, please turn your Bibles to 1 Corinthians 4:8-16. But just in case you don't have a Bible nearby here's what it says....
"8 You are already full! You are already rich! You have reigned as kings without us—and indeed I could wish you did reign, that we also might reign with you! 9 For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. 10 We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! Weare weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored! 11 To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. 12 And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; 13 being defamed, we entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now.14 I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn you. 15 For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. 16 Therefore I urge you, imitate me."
Wait a second!!! Paul has just gone on rambling about how the people of Corinth are rich (like kings), strong, and distinguished, and how he himself is dishonored, weak, poor, persecuted, defamed, and FILTHY! And Paul has the nerve to tell the people of Corinth to follow HIM?
Let me ask you a question? If you are witnessing to someone? Do you usually begin like this...?
"Hey, can I tell you about being a Christian? You will be poor, defamed, weak, and persecuted! So what do you say? Wanna pray and get started?"
I laugh when I think about the people who say Christianity is a crutch. If Christianity is a crutch, it's a crutch that keeps hitting you in the head until you are bleeding to death. No friends. Christianity was not meant to "help you" in this world. It's gonna hurt. You are going to lose friends. You are going to cry. You are going to hurt. Feel weak. Become disowned. Defamed. Is this for everyone? I used to think no, but I'm not so sure anymore. In the last verse Paul "urges" the people of Corinth to "imitate" him.
I'm not really saying anything here. Not saying being rich, popular, or powerful is wrong. Pretty much just thinking out loud here. But who are you imitating?
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Consequences of Freedom
Hey everyone,
First of all I just want to apologize for how long it's been since I was on here.
Well now that we got that out of the way...:)
Well, as you may have noticed, yesterday was the 4th of July. So theoretically, since today is the 5th this post is kind of late. But that's just the story of my life so i guess we will all just have to deal with it. I'm sincerely hoping today is the start of blogging regularly again (but now i'm getting off track).
The Fourth of July is probably one of the most over-looked holidays there are. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter pretty much all take precedence over this holiday. After all, besides a couple of fireworks there is nothing much to it. However, the 4th is one of my favorites. And no...not only because i happen to love fireworks more than oxygen, chocolate, and mac'n'cheese combined. But because my dad raised me a patriot. I love this country very much, and singing patriotic songs, watching fireworks (remembering the bombs bursting in air), and hearing that star spangled banner sung is just amazing. But people don't get as excited about this anymore. Why is the celebration of the greatest country on earth the least celebrated?
I'll tell you why...
People no longer love America like they used to. Sure they talk about it a lot. All the time in fact. But mostly they are complaining. Complaining about the economy, about the leadership, about politics, about the war, about the border, about taxes, about pretty much everything there is to complain about. You know what I hear very little of? I rarely hear people just sigh and say, "Boy I love the United States of America!" Sure, people thank God for freedom. But you don't hear people thanking God for the current economy, taxes, leadership, etc.
The problem...?
You see, freedom is important. It's amazing. I love it. I praise God for it. But freedom also makes us forget. It makes us forget that sometimes you have to fight. It makes us forget that God is the one who gave it to us. It makes us forget to be grateful. It makes us forget to thank God for people who give their lives for it. It makes us forget to be grateful for those who sacrifice to lead our country. It makes us complain...complain...complain. One could say that I am now the one complaining. Yes. I am. But I'm NOT complaining about my country. Because I love it. I praise God for it. I am only complaining that the people God has BLESSED to live in this great country are not grateful enough to say thank you.
It's a lot like our faith. We live in a free country where we are free to worship. Am I thankful for this? Yes. But it's just the same. Christians just complain about others Christians! They complain that they are too liberal, too strict, they dance, they don't dance, their hair is too long, they are republicans, they are democrats, and on the list goes. It's like the 50 states all hating each other when they are all living under the same flag. You see...Patriotism and Christianity have a lot in common. We are misusing our freedoms. One of two things must happen.
1. We must suffer persecution. When in U.S history have we come the most together? Trade tours falling, World Wars, fighting the depression, The War for Independence. And where are Christians not only standing firm but growing in numbers uncontrollably? Christianity spreads the most where it is persecuted. Now...I do not desire war for my country or my faith. But it seems sometimes like it is necessary to pull us back together. Hopefully their is an option #2.
2. Realize the place we are in. Realize that we must unite before persecution forces us to. Before you focus on loving your unbelieving "neighbors", make sure you are loving your brothers and sisters in Christ. LOVE them. Don't talk behind their backs, persecute them with your judgments, and ridicule them. DO things for them without expecting anything in return...especially for those other Christians who you can't seem to get along with. Pray for them. Praise them when they do right. And the same goes for our nation. Love your nation. Praise God for it. Pray for it. Pray for your leaders. Write them and tell them you appreciate their sacrifice. Write to a soldier. Hang a flag outside your house. God put you here, and don't forget how blessed you are!
This doesn't mean you can't stand up against things you don't believe in. I realize things are happening in this country that are NOT Godly. But this nation was founded on God, and it will only stay that way if we keep living Godly lives, and showing this nation the love of God THROUGH our love for the United States of America.
God Bless
First of all I just want to apologize for how long it's been since I was on here.
Well now that we got that out of the way...:)
Well, as you may have noticed, yesterday was the 4th of July. So theoretically, since today is the 5th this post is kind of late. But that's just the story of my life so i guess we will all just have to deal with it. I'm sincerely hoping today is the start of blogging regularly again (but now i'm getting off track).
The Fourth of July is probably one of the most over-looked holidays there are. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter pretty much all take precedence over this holiday. After all, besides a couple of fireworks there is nothing much to it. However, the 4th is one of my favorites. And no...not only because i happen to love fireworks more than oxygen, chocolate, and mac'n'cheese combined. But because my dad raised me a patriot. I love this country very much, and singing patriotic songs, watching fireworks (remembering the bombs bursting in air), and hearing that star spangled banner sung is just amazing. But people don't get as excited about this anymore. Why is the celebration of the greatest country on earth the least celebrated?
I'll tell you why...
People no longer love America like they used to. Sure they talk about it a lot. All the time in fact. But mostly they are complaining. Complaining about the economy, about the leadership, about politics, about the war, about the border, about taxes, about pretty much everything there is to complain about. You know what I hear very little of? I rarely hear people just sigh and say, "Boy I love the United States of America!" Sure, people thank God for freedom. But you don't hear people thanking God for the current economy, taxes, leadership, etc.
The problem...?
You see, freedom is important. It's amazing. I love it. I praise God for it. But freedom also makes us forget. It makes us forget that sometimes you have to fight. It makes us forget that God is the one who gave it to us. It makes us forget to be grateful. It makes us forget to thank God for people who give their lives for it. It makes us forget to be grateful for those who sacrifice to lead our country. It makes us complain...complain...complain. One could say that I am now the one complaining. Yes. I am. But I'm NOT complaining about my country. Because I love it. I praise God for it. I am only complaining that the people God has BLESSED to live in this great country are not grateful enough to say thank you.
It's a lot like our faith. We live in a free country where we are free to worship. Am I thankful for this? Yes. But it's just the same. Christians just complain about others Christians! They complain that they are too liberal, too strict, they dance, they don't dance, their hair is too long, they are republicans, they are democrats, and on the list goes. It's like the 50 states all hating each other when they are all living under the same flag. You see...Patriotism and Christianity have a lot in common. We are misusing our freedoms. One of two things must happen.
1. We must suffer persecution. When in U.S history have we come the most together? Trade tours falling, World Wars, fighting the depression, The War for Independence. And where are Christians not only standing firm but growing in numbers uncontrollably? Christianity spreads the most where it is persecuted. Now...I do not desire war for my country or my faith. But it seems sometimes like it is necessary to pull us back together. Hopefully their is an option #2.
2. Realize the place we are in. Realize that we must unite before persecution forces us to. Before you focus on loving your unbelieving "neighbors", make sure you are loving your brothers and sisters in Christ. LOVE them. Don't talk behind their backs, persecute them with your judgments, and ridicule them. DO things for them without expecting anything in return...especially for those other Christians who you can't seem to get along with. Pray for them. Praise them when they do right. And the same goes for our nation. Love your nation. Praise God for it. Pray for it. Pray for your leaders. Write them and tell them you appreciate their sacrifice. Write to a soldier. Hang a flag outside your house. God put you here, and don't forget how blessed you are!
This doesn't mean you can't stand up against things you don't believe in. I realize things are happening in this country that are NOT Godly. But this nation was founded on God, and it will only stay that way if we keep living Godly lives, and showing this nation the love of God THROUGH our love for the United States of America.
God Bless
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