Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 3 of "Future Wife Week": Traveler

Greetings fellow humans,
Welcome to the weekend. My weekends really start on thursdays but...yeah.
So, here we are at day three of future wife week, and i thought i'd tame things down just a tad. I've been going at the pretty serious day 3 is gonna be a little more chill (i never say that word by the way).
So...on to characteristic #3 of my wife....

Yes. My wife must be someone who loves taking vacations. On top of that she must be willing to be very "last-second" oriented. I grew up in a family that not only traveled all over the US, but we would do so based on last second decisions. We went on a three week train trip that we planned less than a month in advance i believe. 

Now, the reason I say this is not selfish...cancel that...its not ONLY selfish. Being a family that vacationed a lot is the #1 reason my family is so close i believe. We have driven half way across the nation without stopping. My brother, sister-in-law, sister-in-law's sister, actual sister, and I drove from Florida back to Minnesota without stopping for more than gas or McDonalds. 

Let me tell you something, you learn a thing or two about your siblings when you live in a little box for a long time. A LOT...let me stress this...a LOT of fighting takes place. :) But, those are some of my favorite memories. And the honest truth is that you grow very close because of it. You also begin to do random things. My dad had pastor's conferences in New York, and my sister and I would play a game where we would scratch the top of the other person's hands with our finger nails. We would do this until the other person quit. We also played a game where we would slap each other softly, getting harder and harder. The only person I've ever slapped is Rachel. :) But she won, because after she slapped me nearly as hard as she could my dad wouldn't let me slap her back. I'm still bitter about that one. 

The times my family has had hanging out at the Great Lakes, Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico beaches has been incredible. My brother's and I did a week hiking trip by Lake Superior (where we almost died cuz we ran out of water). I've been to Washington, California, Florida, and Maine, Mexico, and even though no one cares....Canada. :) 
The point family is so tight because of all our trips. And is my dear hope that my future wife wants to travel as well. 

PS. The picture is of London. The place I want to go more than anywhere on earth. 


  1. Hey,
    Just started to follow, its a cool blog.

  2. Vacationing spontaneity! Sounds like fun!

  3. This reminds me of when we drove straight home to PA from Florida because a neighbor called to tell us our woodstove had water pouring out of it. Haha, not funny then but it is now! We play the hand-slapping game, too. :) (Me & my two sisters & three brothers )

  4. haha "good times good times." :) hehe. for real that was a ton of fun tho. and i still to this day have scars on my hands from the stupid scratching game. and i'm pretty sure if you look closely, you can still see the imprint of your hand on my face. :) no wonder dad made us quit.....

  5. Haly...that's awesome you guys played those amazing games too.
    sis....there is no way my hand print is still on your cheek! the scratches? yes. lol but if anyone has a handprint on their face its me! remember....we quit after you hit ME! :)

  6. haha this is true. i remember you being more on the angry side after that.... :)

  7. I can totally relate. My family has moved (as in BIG cross country moves) about 8 times in 13 years. Picking up and relocating every two years had made us really close -- especially my sister and I (even though we fight and bicker a lot :D). And I love last minute plans! It makes everything more fun XD!

  8. Awesome! Last minute things always tend to be so much more fun. I never played the slapping game...haha that would not go over well in our house. =D

  9. I am slightly disappointed you didn't mention our hours upon hours of counting cars and shooting cars with out imaginary guns. But agreed, Traveling did bring us close as a family. That's why Cali is going to SICK NASTY (very fun)


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