Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Note from Author:
I wrote this story several years ago, and its kinda cheesy, but if you are in the mood for a cheesy romance (and a break from my usually dark writing), maybe you’ll like this. Enjoy......

Chapter One:                                             
“Dude, just say hi. Or are you too shy to even do that?”
   Mark shrugged. “It’s not that I’m shy man. She’s just...”he paused.
He looked across the sanctuary where Rachel was standing.
“You think she’s even noticed me?”
  Jordan ran his fingers through his hair.
“Dude, you’ve gone to the same church for seventeen years. Which I’ll remind you is your whole life. You’ve gone to the same school for eleven years. My guess, she’s noticed you.”
  “Then why has she never said hello? Huh? Why should I go for a girl who won’t even say hi to me?”
 Jordan stared at Mark. 
“Have you ever said hello to her?”
“Then maybe she’s thinking the same thing about you.”
“Never thought of that.”

“Well, you better start thinking, or you’re gonna lose her before you get her.”
 Mark smiled. 
“Jordan, I really appreciate your advice, but she’d just never go for someone like me. She’s popular. I’m not. The end.”
 “You’re just as popular as her!”
“She’s the lead cheerleader man!”
“And you’re the starting quarterback!”
“Nobody cares about that here man! We’ve won five games in the last twenty years. And they were all scrimmages against the B team! The fans only keep coming to the games because of the cheerleaders!”
  “I go to watch the games!”
“That’s because you’re on the team!”
Jordan laughed.
 “Oh yeah.”
Mark shook his head.
 Jordan stopped laughing and put his arm on Mark’s shoulder.
“Do me a favor man. Just talk to her. Just say hi. It doesn’t have to be a romantic thing. Shoot, don’t even introduce yourself if you don’t want. Just say hello. At least she’ll know your not ignoring her.”
  “You really think I should?”
“Dude, I’ve been telling you this for eleven years now, and you ask if you really should? Now go say hi or I’ll drag you over there. I’m sick of trying to get you two hitched.”
  Mark shrugged. “I’ll say hello.”
Jordan smiled. “You do that.”
   Rachel glanced to her right. He was walking straight toward her. 
“Oh my gosh! He’s waking straight toward you Rach.” Melissa teased.
Rachel turned around.
 “He’s probably just leaving. We are right by the door.”
Melissa took another quit glance and smiled.
“Nope, he’s headed straight for you.”
Rachel panicked. “I should leave.”
“Don’t you dare?” Melissa put her foot on Rachel’s foot.
“You try to leave and I promise I will trip you.”
“Melissa, that’s not funny.”
Melissa was laughing now.
“Yes it is!”
  Mark slowed down. He didn’t think Rachel had noticed him yet. Maybe he should just walk away. She’d never know. He looked back. Jordan just stared at him and pointed at Rachel.
 Mark continued walking toward Rachel. Her back was turned to him, but he could see her friend Melissa. She was laughing. He was now within five feet. Rachel suddenly turned around and faced him. She looked terrified. Weird
He opened his mouth, but no words came out.  Say something before you start drooling! 
 “Hello.” he finally managed. Hello? He sounded like a business man.
He noticed her eyes suddenly widen. They looked like they were about to pop, but he would never tell her that. 
Mark waited for her to say something, but she didn’t.
He’d already gone this far. He wasn’t about to quit now. 
“I’m Mark Victor.” He offered.
“Uh…Rachel. I’m Rachel.” 
Mark's world spun. Rachel Archer had actually talked to him. He felt like jumping.  No Mark, you’re not a three year old.
 “Hi Rachel.” He put out his hand. “I’m Mark.”
Rachel smiled and shook his hand.
“Yeah, you said that.”
Mark blushed.
“Oh I’m sorry.” Now you’ve done it!
He quick put on a Jim Carrey face and pointed to his head.
 “Short turn memory loss.”
She laughed. She’d laughed! She’d laughed at his joke!
“Happens to the best of us.” she said.
Now Mark was in the clouds. 
 “Well, it’s nice to finally meet you Rachel.”
Rachel smiled. Mark wished he had a camera.
Yeah, like he’d take a picture anyway. “Hey, Rachel, I think you have a pretty smile. Can I take a picture of it? No way.
   “Yeah, nice to meet you.”
Mark froze. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to talk more. He wanted to talk for the rest of his life. He wanted to puke. 
“Well, I’ll see you around Rachel.”
She smiled again. Mark didn’t know how much longer he could hold it.
“Ok, see ya.” Rachel said.
Mark turned around and walked back to Jordan. Jordan had a smile on his face, but it quickly turned into a frown.
 “Whoa, you alright man?”
“I gotta go to the bathroom.”
   Rachel grabbed Melissa’s arm and pulled her to her parents’ car. She opened the door for Melissa and pushed her in the passenger’s door, shut it, and walked to the driver’s side. She opened the door, sat down, and closed the door. 
“You okay Rachel?” Melissa asked.
Rachel looked at Melissa and practically screamed. 
“He talked to me!”
   Mark entered the closest stall. That was the farthest he could get. He lifted the seat and began to puke. 
  “Uhhh! That’s sick!” Jordan said under his breath.
Finally Mark stopped, and stepped out of the stall.
“Dude, what’s wrong?”
Mark just stared at him. Actually it looked more like he was staring through him.
“Jordan. She talked to me.”
Mark was breathing harder now.
“Rachel actually talked to me…for…real! Ahhhhhhhhh!”
Jordan began to laugh and soon Mark joined in. It was the best day of Mark’s life.

Chapter Two:
    Days felt like years to Rachel. It had been two weeks since Mark had first said hello to her, and she hadn’t seen him since. Melissa had told her that he and his family had gone on a two week vacation. This meant they came home today. At least she hoped. He only lived across the street, and she thought maybe she might see him pull in. Maybe she would wave if she got the guts to do so. Rachel had after all been staring out her window for an hour now. 
Mark was terrified. They were only two blocks away form home now. 
  What if he saw Rachel…What if he didn’t?
Both sounded equally bad. He had thought of her the entire trip to New York, and seeing the sign for his home state of Iowa had been almost as wonderful as seeing Rachel. In fact, for a moment he had seen her when he saw the sign. However it was a fleeting moment. A moment of joy. A moment of agony. Now he was only one block from his house, and her house. He stole a glance at her window, which ironically enough was located directly from his house across the street. They both had rooms on the second floor. He used to stare at her window, imagining she was staring back. However, even if she had been, he would have never known. All he could see was black anyway. But, the thought that she was in there still encouraged him. Mark gasped. He had seen her. Rachel had been looking out the window. Odd. Mark quickly looked away. Had she been looking at him? Of course not! That was foolish wishful thinking. She’s too good for you Mark. Forget it. You said hi, and she said hi back. You think that means she’s falling for you. Idiot. Well, maybe we could still be friends. Yeah. Maybe.
 Mark took one more glance at the window. She was gone. 
   Rachel hid behind her window. She had seen him. She couldn’t breathe. She had to do something. NOW Before school started tomorrow. Before he was with someone. She flew down the ten stairs in two jumps. She ran to the garage connected to the house. She grabbed her bike, and opened the door. Rachel pulled her bike through the door, shut it, and began to ride down the road.
     Mark grabbed the last of his luggage and shut the trunk door. 
There was Rachel riding down the road. She took a left at the T, and was headed down his road. He had seen her ride her bike many times, but she had never taken this way. She slowed as she approached him. He froze, but managed a smile. 
“Hello.” she said. Somehow the way she said it sounded so much better than the way he had two weeks ago. 
 “Hey.” Mark said with a slight wave.
       Rachel continued to slow. Now came the true test. She could leave it at that, or continue the conversation. 
“How was your trip?” Yes! 
Mark smiled. It wasn’t just a friendly smile either. Rachel could tell. It was one of those smiles that held true mystery. Almost as if he’d wanted her to ask. A foolish idea. 
“It was a blast. Thanks.”
“How’ve you been?”
Rachel hopped off her bike and set the kick stand in place. Her heart was beating the speed of light. This was going perfect.
“Oh, alright I guess. Didn’t do a whole lot. I went shopping yesterday. I got…” She stopped and laughed. 
“I’m sure you wanted to know that I went shopping and what I got huh?”
Mark smiled, looked down at his feet, and hit them together. She thought it was cute.
 “Hey, why not?” he said. 
Rachel smiled, and neither spoke for a few seconds. It seemed like hours. 
“Well, I don’t wanna keep you from your bike ride.”
“Oh, that’s fine.” Rachel answered. Keep me as long as you want baby.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
Mark shrugged. 
“Oh, right. I forgot. I guess so.”
Rachel kicked the kick stand back up, and hopped on her blue bike.
“Well, until tomorrow then.” she said. “For now however, I must ride.”
Mark laughed. “Then until tomorrow my…”he stopped. Now you’ve done it!
Rachel smiled. “You’re what?”
“Mark, I am a very curious person so if you don’t tell me I won’t sleep for weeks.”
“It was nothing.”
“You weren’t gonna say Princess were you?”
Mark blushed. 
“Cuz if you were, I don’t think I would mind.”
“Well, we’ll have to see…won’t we?”
“Very well, my princess. If you must ride, you must. But I shall see you tomorrow?”
“Of course my knight. We shall see each other. We shall.”
Rachel mounted her noble bicycle. 
“Now ride, ride like the wind Beauty.” she said as she peddled away. 
Mark watched her go. As she came to the stop sign, she turned and waved at Mark. He waved back. Goosebumps were beginning to form on his arms, but he was not cold. No. He was in love.

Chapter Three:
Five weeks passed. Both Rachel and Mark saw each other for every class. Unlike other public schools, there’s was too small to split groups up for different classes, so each grade stayed together for every class. They had not talked a lot, however they had shared a lot of smiles. And whenever possible, they would sit next to each other during class. 
  Today was homecoming. Their own Hensfield Farmers (how original) were playing the Yorway Jaguars. Now that sounded better.  The Jaguars were the best team in the division, and the Farmers were sure to have a sell out crowd. After all, homecoming was the best game for the cheerleaders. They practiced hard for this game and were sure to put on quite a show. The game itself was sure to be a slaughter, but that’s why they invented cheerleaders. To cheer up the crowd when their team was bleeding to death. After all, who else would scream at the top of their lungs a chant of victory when their team was losing fifty-nine to three after the first quarter? These were to the true fans. They had more hope than the coach did. Sometimes Coach Anderson would even stop watching the game and just watch the cheerleaders; that is until his wife convinced him he really should keep cheering on his team.
   But even so, this was Hensfield’s one day a year when they felt important. And they would cherish it. The fans were counting down the hours. The cheerleaders were practicing their cheers, the band their performance, and the team was in the locker room getting a pep talk. 
This was high school football.
    The game started with a bang when Hensfield's kick returner Jordan Johnson ran the ball all the way to the end zone for an eighty yard touchdown. However, after that the game only went down hill, and at the end of the first half, the score was forty-three to ten. The fans however were undaunted. Now was the good part anyway. On came the school band, and with them the cheerleaders. Each waving a flag, they displayed the school colors with pride. Behind them the band played the school song. This was what the town survived on. 
   The entire performance was perfectly executed and as the song drew to a close the cheerleaders began to form a triangle. Six cheerleaders stood side by side holding up four on their shoulders. Those four held two more. On the very top stood Rachel, and behind the bottom six cheerleaders stood two more. Rachel looked dazzling with her yellow and white outfit on, but she was much more concerned with the task ahead than her looks. As the band played their last note, Rachel leaped into the air. The crowd went silent. She flew through the air doing two complete  flips. She landed perfectly in the arms of the two other cheerleaders. It was perfect. The crowd roared. Rachel simply smiled.

Mark smiled. Rachel must have just landed. She had told him about her part in the ending as soon as she had found out, and she was very excited. The crowd was roaring. She must have done it perfect. Good for her.
 “Mark! You got that?” the coach yelled. 
Mark redirected his thoughts. Get what?
 “Yes sir!”
“Alright guys, let’s give these fans something to watch besides the cheerleaders.
The crowd roared as the Farmers charged from their locker room onto the field. 
 Rachel cheered to, but not for the Farmers. For Mark.
   The second and third quarter was much like the first two. However, the Farmers, led by Mark did give the fans something to cheer about as they scored three more touchdowns. The only problem was that the Jaguars had also scored three more. In fact they had just scored with only one second left. The score was sixty four to twenty one. The Jaguars’ kicking team marched onto the field for one more kick. The rest of the team was already celebrating a grand win. 
 Coach Anderson paced the sideline as his receiving team ran onto the field.
This crowd deserved more. These cheerleaders deserved more. This town deserved more. 
 “Time out!” he screamed to the referee twenty feet ahead just as the play was about to start. The referee immediately blew the whistle, turned and ran to Coach Anderson.
“Look Henry…”he said as he approached. “You already lost. What’s this about?”
 “Just want a timeout Karl.” He smiled.
Karl shrugged. “You’re the coach. 
Karl ran onto the field.
“Time out, receiving team.”
The fans of the opposition began to boo.
The Farmers ran to the sideline. “What’s up coach?” Mark asked.
  “We’re gonna win men.”
“Coach, we already lost.” Jordan protested.
“Yeah, to the other team, we did. But not to these fans. Not yet.
Jordan. You’re gonna receive the kick as usual. But listen to me guys. Jordan gets the kick no matter what. Get out of his way if you have to. Jordan, I want you to run on the left side. But don’t pass anyone on you team unless they are on the ground. Now, Mark you’re gonna run behind him. As soon as you get in trouble Jordan you’re gonna lateral the football to Mark. I realize you guys know each other well so I’ll trust you on the whenabouts. Henry looked around. There sat Willy on the bench, where he always sat. 
Willy stood up. “Mu…mu….me coach?”
209 pound Willy Barker stood up. He was just a few layers short of a one layer cake. 
“Can you keep up with Mark?”
“Uh no.”
Henry shook his head.
“Well, do your best.
You’re gonna block for Mark here.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. Mark, as soon as you get the ball run to the right side. Willy will block for you.”
The whistle blew. 
“That’s all coach!” Karl yelled. 
The team ran onto the field.
Henry grabbed Willy by the face mask.
“Willy, if you block for Mark good enough to get us a touchdown, I promise I’ll start you for the rest of the season.”
“Really coach?” 
“Really really. Now get out there.”
“OH! Right coach.” Willy stuck up two thumbs, and ran on to the field.
The kick was off. 
“Come on guys.” Henry whispered.
The kick was directly to Jordan. Perfect.  He caught it, and began to run. 
The blocking was phenomenal. It was going perfect. Wait, something was wrong. The jaguars were shifting, to the right side. Something had tipped them off to the play. Willy. He was all by himself on the right side of the field yelling for Jordan to give the ball to Mark. Jordan did, but it was too late. Four Jaguars were after Mark. Mark outran the first one easily. Good thing too. Willy was too excited to even notice him. To Mark’s surprise however, Willy leveled the second man, and then the third. However, two problems now occurred. Willy was beginning to stumble, and without this man blocked he would be tackled for sure. Mark had always relied on his speed, not his moves. The last Jaguar filled his vision. He would be tackled for sure. Another game would be ended with a failure. However, just as Willy was falling he made a last attempt dive at the oncoming opponent. He hit him straight in the gut sending both toppling to the ground. Mark however, was still up. He easily maneuvered around them both and was now at the forty yard line with the closest standing Jaguar twenty yards away. The crowd roared and rose to their feet. He continued sprinting. Ahead he saw the thirty yard line, the twenty, the cheerleaders, the ten….The cheerleaders! Rachel! Rachel was watching him right now. He ran even faster. But as he passed the fifteen he turned his head to the sideline. Five feet away stood Rachel, looking straight at him. Time froze. The crowd was on its feet, the cheerleaders were suspended in air, Mr. Douglas’ hot dog was falling from his hands, and Rachel was looking at him. She wasn’t even cheering. 
 Suddenly, time unfroze. But something was wrong. Mark was tripping; his glance at Rachel had distracted him. He somehow managed to stumble to the five yard line, and with all his might he dove as high and as far as he could. Ball extended he fell to the ground. The ball had crossed the line. TOUCHDOWN!
  The fans went crazy, the cheerleaders went crazy, the team went crazy, Willy was already crazy. He had run to the sideline where his parents were and was already yelling to them that he was now a starter. However, after he saw the team rushing toward Mark he felt left out so he rushed to the end zone also. 
 Mark looked around. The fans were ecstatic, some cheering, some laughing, and even some crying. Rachel was laughing. But something was missing.   Of course. He knelt to one knee. Thank You God.
  The next thing he knew he was being mobbed by his teammates. 
The opposing fans didn’t know what to do. Neither did their team it appeared. So, they did nothing. They simply walked to the locker room. Victorious...sort of. 
    Coach Anderson smiled at his teammates for an entire minute not knowing what to say. “Gentlemen, Thank you. That’s the best loss I’ve ever had as a coach, and I’m proud of you. So are these fans. So I won’t keep you from them.”
 The team cheered, and after quickly changing they left the locker room to go to their fans.
  Mark began walking toward Rachel, but then he hesitated. Why should he go to her? They weren’t dating. They weren’t a couple. They rarely even talked. You’re too sure of this Mark. You think just cuz she smiles at you means she likes you. Stop kidding yourself.  Mark turned and began walking home. 

Chapter Four:
  He had barely left the field when he heard his name called. He turned. It was Rachel.
“And just where do you think you’re going Mr.?”
“Don’t you have a date for the dance?”
“I’m not allowed to go.”
  Rachel shrugged and smiled. 
“Me neither.”
“But you’ve always gone before.”
“That’s cuz my date was going.”
“You don’t have a date?”
“Well.... not yet.” she said as she rocked back and forth with her hands behind her back.
   Mark smiled. She looked so cute.
 “I’m sorry, but I really can’t go.”
“Well, you could at least walk me home couldn’t you?”
Rachel laid her head close to her shoulder and put on a puppy face.
“Do you want me to?”
Rachel shrugged. “Do I want you to do what?”
Mark smiled. 
“Do you want me to walk you home Rachel?”
   Rachel lifted her head. 
“Well, sure. I would love that.”
They began to walk side by side, but it was awkward. Mark looked at Rachel. She smiled, but something was not right. 
“Can...”Mark took a short breathe breath. “...Can I hold your hand?”
Rachel took Mark’s hand in hers. 
“Sure.” she said.
She was smiling again, but this smile was different.
“So, someone got caught staring at someone and almost didn’t make a touchdown tonight didn’t they Mark?” Rachel said with an accusing look.
 Mark half laughed, half tried to say something to defend himself.  
“I...See...I was...”
“No, its okay”, Rachel said.
At least you made the touchdown. You didn’t see me jump in the air and fall after you made it did you?”
 “Really? You did?”
“Klutz.” Mark said jokingly.
Mark laughed.
“I’m just kidding.”
“Well, you better be.”
After a while Rachel stopped.
“This is my place.” she said.
Mark looked around.
“Oh, look! You live right next to me.”
Rachel laughed. 
“What do you know? I do!”
“Well, goodnight Rachel.”
“Good night Mark.” Rachel said as she walked to the door.
“Thanks for walking me home by the way.”
“Any time.” Mark replied.
 Rachel reached for the door handle. 
Rachel turned.
Mark walked up to her.
“I just...well I just wanted you to know....”
“You like me a whole lot? Right?”
Mark blushed.
Rachel stepped up to Mark and lightly kissed him on the cheek.
“I kinda like you too.”
Mark was speechless.
“Good night Mark.”
“Good night.”
Mark waited for Rachel to walk in the door. The door closed and he ran home, running on the clouds.
After finishing his devotions, Mark glanced out his window to Rachel’s room. For several seconds he stared into the blackness. Then it happened. A small light in her room turned on. She was looking at him, smiling. She must have seen him looking at her room even though he couldn’t see her. And then they knew, they both knew, it had been that way all along.

Chapter Five:

                 11 months later

Mark and his family pulled into their driveway from another trip to Hawaii. Before Mark even got out, Rachel was on her bike racing toward him. He glanced at his parents who were only laughing. He and Rachel had been friends for a year exactly now, and his parents had approved of her long before they were even that.
  They stepped out of the car, and grabbed their luggage.
“Take as long as you need Son.” his dad said as he and his wife walked in the house.
  Rachel was now pulling in his driveway. She pulled up, and jumped off the bike, but did not move any closer to Mark.
Neither spoke for several seconds.
 Finally Rachel broke the silence.
“Well, are you gonna give me a hug or what?”
Mark smiled and ran to her and they embraced. 
“I missed you Mark. How was Hawaii? Did you have fun? Did you get me anything?”
  Mark just laughed as he let go of Rachel.
“What?” Rachel asked confused.
Mark did his best to talk fast as to imitate Rachel.
“I missed you too. Hawaii was great! Yes I had fun. Yes I got you something.”
 Rachel frowned.
“You like making fun of me, don’t you?”
“I love it.” Mark replied.
“Yeah, me too. So what’d you get me?”
Mark laughed. 
“Can’t tell ya. It’s a surprise.”
“Hey! That’s not fair.”
“But I do have a question for you.”
“And what is that?.”
“Well, I was just wondering if you would be so kind as to date me.”
“Hey, I practiced the whole way home on how to ask you that so you’d better say yes.”
Rachel’s eyes narrowed.
“Is that an order?”
Mark smiled.
“Only if you want it to be.”
Rachel kissed Mark lightly on the cheek.
“I kinda do.”
Rachel gave Mark another hug, let go and began walking home.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Mark.”
“Really? Where?”
    Rachel and Mark’s senior year flew by. So much faster than life is suppose to go by. The two became the school’s sweethearts and even won Homecoming King and Queen. They did not attend the dance. The Farmers won the football game in a stunning overtime victory.
Willy ran in the winning touchdown and received player of the game. He would keep the reward for the rest of his life.
   Both Mark’s and Rachel’s straight A’s in school brought them many scholarships to the University of Iowa. They both attended.
    Mark joined the football team and became the backup quarterback. However, an unfortunate accident to the starting quarter back gave his his first opportunity to show the state what he could do, and he gave them quite a show. 
 Rachel decided no to pursue cheerleading, but instead worked at a Christian bookstore. She was quite an efficietnt worker, and soon she was promoted to assistant manager.
  She didn’t get to see Mark very often, but they cherished the time they did spend together.
  Four more years passed and soon college was over. Mark was the hero quarterback of Iowa, and Rachel only continued to work in her small bookstore. Sometimes she didn’t think it was fair. Mark being the popular one. After all, she had been the popular one in high school. But she never complained. Her job was to be there for Mark. So that’s what she did. 

Chapter Six:
     Jordan reached for his cell phone in his pocket. The star spangled banner tune played which meant Mark was calling. 
“Hey Dude! What up?”
    “Not much man.”
“Not much my tail! You were only the starting quarter back for three winning seasons! Don’t think I'm not watching man!”
Mark laughed. 
“I meant recently.”
“Oh sure. So, seriously though, what’s up?”
Mark sighed.
 “I got a problem.”
“Tell me bout it.”
“You remember when I was seventeen and...”
“And you wouldn’t talk to Rachel.”
“Ha! Ha! Yeah. Well, It’s worse this time”...........................
     Rachel’s phone at her apartment rang. She picked it up on the first ring.
“Rachel, its Melissa!”
“Oh my goodness! How have you been?”
“Pretty good, pretty good. You?”
“Okay I guess. The bookstore isn’t doing so good.”
“How are you and Mark doing?”
“Okay I guess. It’s been kind of hard with him playing football all the time.”
“Well, maybe now that that’s over you’ll have more time.”
“Yeah, maybe...unless he goes to the NFL.”
“He’d better not!” Melissa warned.
“No, that’d be great! I hope he does. It’s what he wants.”
“But, what about the two of you?”
“I really don’t know Melissa. I really don’t know. I’ve just given it to God. I feel like it’s the right thing, but Mark is the man. So, he’s gonna have to ask me if he wants to pursue something.”
“You asked him everything else.” Melissa teased.
Rachel laughed. 
“That is true. But he did talk to me first, remember?”
“Of course I remember. I had to stomp on your foot!”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot....Hey, hold on one sec Melissa. Someone’s on the other line.”
Rachel pushed a button.
“Hey Rachel, it’s Mark.”
“Mark! Hey!”
“I was just calling to see if you wanna go out to eat tonight. Nothing fancy, its just been a while, and I miss you.”
“Awww, thanks Mark. Yeah, I’d love to.”
“I’ll pick you up at five then okay?”
“Okay...wait! That’s right now.”
“Yeah, I’m right outside.”
Rachel laughed and looked out her window. There he was, waving like mad man.
“I’ll be right down.”
Rachel hung up, and got back on with Melissa. 
“Hey, I gotta go. Mark just asked me out on a date.”
“Oolala.” Melissa teased. “You don’t have to much fun now girl.”
“Don’t worry; we’re probably going to McDonalds.”
“Uh! Lucky!”
“Oh yeah right. I’ll talk to you when I get back okay Melissa?”
“Alright. Bye now.”
Rachel hung up, washed her face, and headed out the door.
 Mark stood next to his car with his head on the hood, pretending to sleep.
Rachel walked up to him.
“You can wake up now dear one.” she teased.
He didn’t move.
He didn’t move.
She bent her head close to his.
“Hello in there?”
Mark jumped up.
Rachel screamed.
Mark laughed.
Rachel shook her head and got in the passenger seat.
“You’re so weird.”
“You really think so?”
That was the wrong thing to say. From there on Mark drove like a maniac.
“Mark, you’re gonna kill us!” Rachel screamed.
“But I’m crazy!” he yelled with his window down.
He stuck his head out the window.
“Look at me guys I’m crazy!”
Rachel shook her head and ducked so no one could see her.
 At last the car stopped.
Rachel lifted her head and stepped out of the car.
“I’m alive! She screamed!”
However, as she looked around she realized that they were directly in front of the nicest restaurant she had ever seen. Twenty people stood waiting at the door for available seating. Twenty people had heard her shout that she was alive. 
She looked at Mark who was just laughing.
“Let’s go.” he said.
“We’re eating here?” she asked.
“But I’m not dressed nice enough for this place.”
“Neither am I. Isn’t that perfect?”
She smiled.
“We’ll be in line for hours.”
“Yes, we would have, had I not gotten us reservations.”
Rachel smiled again. 
“Well then lead on sir Knight.”
He took her hand. 
“Come along my Princess.”

Chapter Seven:
         The restaurant was a beautiful building, only lit by candles. It had a Hawaiian theme to it. Rachel had always been fascinated with Hawaii.
The waiter who had introduced herself as Jackie showed them to their seats, took their drink orders, and left the two alone.
  “I love it!” was all Rachel could say.
Mark smiled.
  “I figured it was as close to Hawaii as I could get you.”
“Well thank you. You know what this place reminds me of?”
“The present you never gave me.”
“You still remember that?”
“Like I said, I’m a very curious person.”
Mark smiled. He looked up. The football game was on. The New York Jets against the Texas Texans.  That was about as original as the Hensfield Farmers. He watched with wonder at the talent of the athletes. Well, the Jets had talent at least. The Texans needed help. Fourth and goal on the one yard line. 
“Go for it.” Mark whispered to the Texan coach.
The field goal unit came onto the field. 
“Mark?” Mark looked up at Rachel.
“Yeah?” Did you bring me here just to watch you watch the game? And since when are you a Texan fan?”
 “Oh, just recently, and sorry. I just got caught up in the game.”  
“You really like football don’t you?”
Mark smiled. 
“Yeah, almost as much as I like you. Which is why I brought you here actually. There’s something I need to tell you.”
“Really. Should I be worried?”
“Na. It’s all good.”
“It’d better be.”
Mark took a deep breath.
“Okay, I got a call today from a coach in Texas yesterday.
He wants me to play for his team.”
“Texas? Play for whom?”
Mark smiled. 
“That’s the funny part. See, he wants me to play for the Texans.”
Rachel froze. 
“You mean...the Texas Texans as in the NFL team?”
Mark laughed.
Rachel turned and looked at the TV.
“So, you’ll be wearing that uniform?”
“Yeah, pretty weird huh?”
Rachel looked down at the table.
“Wow!” was all she could say.
Just then the waitress came.
“Here are your two cherry cokes.”
Rachel lifted up her face and Mark noticed a tear beginning to form.
The waitress handed her a straw.
“Are you alright Mam?”
Rachel looked at the young lady, clearly she was under seventeen.
“Yeah. Thank you.”
Rachel grabbed her choke, lifted it to her face, took a sip, and dropped it. Coke and ice fell all over the floor. 
 “I’m so sorry.” Rachel said.
She knelt down on the and began picking up ice. 
The tear was working its way down her nose.
Mark knelt down beside her and took both of her wrists in his hands.
“Rachel, what’s wrong?”
Rachel looked around at the many on-viewers and then at him. She tried to smile, but even smiles can’t hide tears.
“I want you to go Mark, but I really don’t at the same time.
The waitress stood back. She didn’t know what to do.
Mark looked straight into Rachel’s eyes.
“Mark, I don’t want to leave me here.”
Mark stared at her soft blue eyes.
“Well, I wasn’t really planning on it.”
Rachel’s eyes grew wide. “You mean...?”
Mark smiled. “Yeah. Unless you secretly hate me, and just hang out with me cuz I’m good looking.”
A bright smile covered Rachel’s face.
Mark smiled as well, but said nothing.
“Well are you gonna ask me or what?” Rachel demanded at last.
“Um...only if you promise to say yes.”
Rachel wiped another tear and smiled.
“I promise.”
    The waitress was wiping tears also. This was the most romantic thing she had ever seen.
Mark took Rachel’s left hand with his left hand, and reached into his right pocket with his right hand. He pulled out a beautiful ring. On top was a small diamond surrounded by four sapphires. He placed it on her ring finger.
 “I was gonna actually ask anyway, but....Rachel? Will you marry me?”
  The waitress gasped. She couldn’t contain herself.
Rachel let out a small giggle as well.
“OH Yes! Yes! Yes! I will!”
They embraced.
 The waitress clapped her hands. 
“I....I....I’m going to get you some free dessert.”
She left with a smile as big as the moon on her face.
Rachel looked once again into Mark’s eyes.
“I love you.” she whispered.
“I love you Rachel.”
 The two stood and sat back down on their seats. By now people had stopped staring at them, but a few glanced back off and on. As Rachel took a sip from what was left of her coke she noticed her ring for the first time since she’d stopped crying.
Mark looked up as he swallowed some coke.
“Where’d you get the ring?”
Mark smiled.

“Do you like it?”
“Oh, very much!”
”Good.” Mark said as he took another sip.

“I asked where you got it.”
Mark shrugged his shoulders, swallowed his coke, and took another sip.



1 comment:

  1. oh my word that was the cutest story ever!!!! LOVED IT!!!

    well done! =D


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