Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dear Wife

So earlier this week I was on a blog I follow. It's all about the 2010 Purity Challenge right now.
Well, I was reading, and on there she had a guy who had written a letter to his future wife. I thought that was pretty cool. Hence, I am stealing the idea and writing my own. If you are a guy you uh...don't have to read this. Haha just kidding. Maybe you'll get something out of it.

Here goes: (this is straight off the cuff by the way)

Dear Future Wife,
Two things right off the bat.
1. Can I please call you lots of annoying names when we get honney pot, and tea cup, and sugar muffins, and momma, and sweetheart, and my ultimate favorite....doll?
2. I really hope "Far Away" by Nickleback is "our song" because if it's not we probably won't have one, cuz this is the only one I will accept. :)
Now...moving on. didn't exactly show up on my 16th birthday like you were supposed to. What's up with that! :)'s okay. I'm glad you didn't. I was really stupid at 16. A girlfriend would have been a bad idea. Oh, wanna hear something impressive? I've never dated. Yeah, you're only impressed until you find out that I couldn't have gotten one to date me even if I'd wanted. :)
So anyway...a lot of guys want to tell their future wives that they saved their purity for them. Well, I'm a little different. I'm saving mine because I want to. It's not something I have to keep just for you. I'm saving it cuz God told me to. kinda get number 3 on that list. Um...what else. Your pretty? haha. Yeah, so basically I hope you are okay with my humor, cuz if you're not we are gonna go through some serious amounts of counseling. Which could be fun i guess...but expensive, and I don't plan on making loads of money so just laugh at me, and we can skip the counseling. Okay, I need to go to bed to get up for college tomorrow, but here's four things I'm begging from  you.
1. Love Jesus more than you love me.
2. Save your purity.
3. Don't EVER buy a dog that fits in your purse.
4. Let me eat pizza even when the doctor says I can't.
Love you honey pot! :)


  1. james. your thoughts bring so much joy to my life. i don't write "lol" but i laughed out loud to this one. love it - thanks for sharing.

  2. LOL YOU DID IT!!!! super amazingly awesome...*gasps* but you didn't link up!! I would have never known unless I just decided to come on here! *grins*

    Anywho...really great post and I bet that "special someone" who God has for you will treasure this letter always.


  3. ALl I do is post. I dont know how to do fancy stuff like "link up". lol

  4. This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing. I hope your "tea cup" is all you and G-d want her to be!

    IN HIm,


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