Monday, September 8, 2014

A Plea for Wisdom: Chapter 1 (Part Two)

Wisdom is Available to Everyone
In verses 20-21, Solomon says that Wisdom (personified) calls out to individuals everywhere - street corners, open squares, city limits, etc.

Note: Wisdom is not selective. It is not reserved for the wealthy or well-educated.
Whoever truly seeks wisdom will find it.

Wisdom is not Attained 
Wisdom is not a trait to be learned in school. It is not purchased. It is not handed down from a father to his son or a mother to her daughter. It is a free gift from God to the individuals who ask for it, and it is kept alive by God alone. Solomon says that wisdom is calling out for anyone to take ahold of it. Sadly, no one is answering. Why?

Note: People do not disregard wisdom because they do not seek to be wise. They disregard it, because wisdom only comes when one hoists their white flag and surrenders to the fact that they are not wise on their own. There are very few white flags that have been raised.

Anguish will be Mocked
Those who refuse the wisdom of God will fall into calamity. It's inevitable. It's for sure. The wisdom of God doesn't handcuff us. Wisdom is the key unlocking the handcuffs already on our wrists.

Note: Those who refuse this key will fall again and again into destruction their entire lives. They will find themselves in prison because of greed. They will find themselves drunk behind the wheel because of addiction. They will find themselves disowning family members because of pride.
Again and again they will find themselves in these situations, because they are not willing to surrender to wisdom. They may even know they are in this rut, but they will refuse to accept any counsel but their own.
Wisdom will view such people as a mockery - foolish.

Cries will not be Answered
Do not think you can avoid wisdom until the last possible minute. This will not work for two reasons.
1. You do not know the hour of your death. Many live life by their own knowledge, believing they will seek the wisdom of God "later" - after college, when they have their first kid, when they retire. This rarely happens.
2. Even if you are still alive when you choose to seek wisdom, you will still suffer the consequences of your years of rejection. It might continue to affect your crime record, driving record, health or family relations.
Note: Just as sin has lasting consequences, the one who avoids wisdom will experience consequences years after turning to wisdom.

A Beautiful Alternative
The conclusion of chapter one turns for the better - hope. You see, there is a beautiful promise to the individual who accepts wisdom. They will "dwell safely." They "will be secure, without fear of evil."
Note: This isn't the prosperity gospel. Wisdom doesn't make you rich or better educated. It will give you a more spiritually rich life. You will make more common sense decisions. You will be slower to speak, which will often keep your relationships better. You will more quickly listen to what God is telling you, and that will drastically change your life for the better.

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