Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Forgotten Act of Being Still

Hey World,

So I got to thinking (rare), and I think I'm going to start a little mini (redundant) series called
"The Forgotten Acts." It's kinda catchy and maybe it will keep me more faithful to posting.
Well today's forgotten act is the act of "being still." No I'm not talking about sitting somewhere
quietly while not doing anything. Then again. Maybe I am.
"But how can you be serious James! Nobody just sits around under a tree quietly anymore!"
No. No they do not.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Forgotten Acts Of Worship

Hey World,

This past weekend I had the privilege of housing my uncle at my dorm room for the night. We had a great time staying up til 1 drinking coffee and talking about all that's right and wrong in the world. One subject we touched on especially hit me, and I wanted to share it with you. It guessed it. The forgotten acts of worship. 
Now most of you that read this are church-going Christians. I don't actually know's just an assumption since this blog is mostly about my faith. So, the act of worship is not a foreign word to you (the word "foreign by the way does not follow the i before e rule because it does not have the ay sound like in neighbor...that ones for free).

Dethroning the American Jesus - Final 1 John Post

"We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not to...